Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Typical Weather and Tourism in Australia

Australia is located on the southern hemisphere which means the winter month occurs in June, July and August. That is reversed from what we in the northern hemisphere is used to. The winter Solstice occurs on June 21, but can also occur between 20 and 22. Winter Solstice is the day in the year that has smallest amount of daylight. During this month the average maximum temperature is 12, 3 °C, while the average minimum temperature is 1, 4 °C. These measurements are considered for the capital Canberra. June is also the driest month in the year with least amount of precipitation. During the winter solstice, light rain is the most likely type of precipitation in Canberra. There are very few incidents where snow is occurring, and that is more likely to fall in the Australian Alps at higher elevation.

The summer solstice occurs on December 21. But can also occur on 20 and 22. During this month the average maximum temperature is 26, 3 °C and the average minimum temperature is 11, 9 °C. It is important to remember that this is for the capital city: Canberra. Australia is a huge country with huge differences in climate. On the summer solstice is moderate rain the most likely precipitation type to fall, because of high temperatures. There are no records of other types of precipitations during this day.

In Australia the spring equinox occurs on September 23. This is also reversed to what we are used to and it’s because the country is located on the southern hemisphere. During this month the average maximum temperature in Canberra is 16, 2 °C, and the average minimum temperature is 4 °C. In this month light rain is most likely to fall in Canberra. September is also the month of the year with most light rain.

The Autumnal equinox occurs on March 20, but can also occur on 19 and 21. In Canberra the average maximum temperature during this month is 24, 7 °C, and the average minimum temperature is 11, 5 °C. During this day it is most likely to fall rain if precipitation occurs. Both light rain and moderate rain are common. Snow is highly unlikely, and it usually never occurs in any month of the year in Canberra. 

If you have ever been thinking about visiting Australia, I would recommend you to go in the summer season (December – February). But if I should recommend you one month I would aim for December, around the summer solstice. This is one of the warmest months, and has less precipitation then January and February. During this month I would definitely recommend you to go surfing. Australia is known for their super great surf spots all around the coasts of the country, especially on the East and North coast. Even if you are not quite into surfing I still recommend you to try it because Australia got one of the best surf spots in the world. If you prefer staying on the land I would recommend you to go hiking. This is a great way to explore the beautiful country of Australia, and try look for the kangaroos, which are very famous in Australia. You cannot miss this while you are there.
In December there are some weather hazards you should be aware of. Bushfires are very common all over the country, mostly inland where the climate is drier. But December is the month of the year where most bushfires occur, so you should keep that in mind if you choose to travel this month. You should also be aware of thunderstorms which is very common in the summer season, from December to February. Thunderstorms provide useful rainfall and it can also cause damage. Usually it occurs very frequently through the whole summer season, so this is something you definitely should keep in mind. Especially if you are out surfing, then I would recommend you to stay inside and wait for the thunderstorm is over. 

                        Come visit this paradise, where the only
                   dilemma is choosing the endless opportunities 
                   for what to do.

                                     I found this picture on:



  1. Australia's Winter Solstice, Autumnal Equinox, and Spring Equinox are warmer than Japan's seasons. But Australia's Summer Solstice is colder than Japan's Summer Solstice. Japan isn't as beach crazy as Australia, which is surrounded by a body of water. I guess Japan is famous for its city life (the amazing city lights at night) but also it has a lot of hikes and beaches to visit there. You can snowboard and ski during the Winter Solstice and you can swim at the beaches during the Summer Solstice. Japan has plenty of things to do for everyone.

  2. The dates for the solstice and equinoxes in Australia is totally the opposite from Norway. While there is winter in Australia there is summer in Norway. There is no surprise to see that there is higher temperatures during the whole year in Australia compared to Norway being located at the Northern Hemisphere. While you recommended surfing, I recommended skiing! It could not become more opposite than that! What's funny though is that both of us recommended hiking as an activity to do in the countries we represents on the blog. I believe this has to do with us being Norwegians (whom are known for enjoying mountain- hikes) just as much as the fact that our countries has great opportunities for hikes. I would love to visit Australia!
