Thursday, October 30, 2014

Daily weather in Australia

The capital in my country is Canberra, and I am covering three days of forecasting of the weather in this city. The days I am covering is Friday 10/31, Saturday 11/01 and Sunday 11/02.
The forecast high on Friday is 86° F and the forecast low 57° F. The precipitation is estimated to be 0 %.
For Saturday the forecast high is 73° F and the forecast low 37° F. The precipitation is estimated to be at 8 %.
For Sunday, the last day the forecast high is 68° F and the forecast low is 40° F. The precipitation is estimated to be at 0%.

The average pressure over these three days is 29, 80 inches and the average pressure increased from Friday to Sunday. The average wind speed over this three day period is 11, 25 mph. From Friday to Sunday, the average wind speed increased.

The picture above is a satellite image taken from It shows that there are no clouds over Canberra when this picture was taken. The red arrow shows where Canberra is located. There are very few clouds at area, but far southeast of Canberra there are a few clouds, mostly low warm clouds with the color gray/white. The blue dot, far southwest on the image indicates some cold clouds. There are no precipitations in this area. The surface of the capital city is gray, which indicates cities. There are also some green areas which indicate parks and forested areas. Canberra is located beside a lake, which has a color light blue. Outside of the capital there are some textured patterns which indicates mountains.

Here is a picture taken from The image show pressure patterns along the southeastern part of Australia. From this image you can see a stationary front located west on the image, also u can see a cold front far southwest. There are no low and high pressure zones in this area, but you can tell that a low pressure zone is located southwest, out of the picture and a high pressure zone northeast out of the picture. You can tell that by looking at the pressure pattern and see where it increases and decreases.

This image is also taken from Here is a zommed out image of Australia. We can see three low pressure zones located over New Zealand, south of Australia, and one over southwestern part of Australia. There are also two High pressure zones, one located west for the country and one at the east. There are two cold fronts south of the country with the color blue, and both of them are moving northeast in the same direction. There is also one warm front located south of the country moving south, with red color. Two stationary fronts can be seen at this image. One is located over part of the continent at the southern part, and one is located over New Zealand. 


  1. I noticed how your country has much lower precipitation percents than mine. Most days your precipitation was closer to 0%, whereas mine was anywhere from 40-90%. Also you have multiple cold fronts headed towards your country and I had no fronts close by.

  2. It was interesting to see the weather differences between a nation in the Southern hemisphere compared to one in the North (my country is Russia). Australia is far warmer, nearly 30 degrees warmer on average over the three-day period. But, similar to Russia, there is minimal cloud cover over the capital city.

  3. What I noticed is that your country's highs and lows are very different than mine. While in Norway the high and lows only differ from a couple of degrees in fahrenheit, Australia's high and lows differ with as much as 30 degrees fahrenheit!! Whats similar is that you also had two days with 0% in chance of precipitation, but one of your days has 8% chance of precipitation while one of my days had 90 % in chance of precipitation. Both Australia and Norway had very little cloud cover over the cities we forecasted, but Norway had more fronts nearby though.. You have done a great job in forecasting the weather!
