Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Climate change impacts in Australia

In the article: “Summary for policymaker”, the figure on page 7 shows widespread impacts around the world that can a result of global warming. The impacts that can strike Australia is physical, biological and human and manage. The physical systems impacts mainly rivers and lakes, which can experience flooding or drought. The range of physical impacts in Australia is considered high. The biological system will impact terrestrial ecosystems in both north and south of the continent, and the range is considered medium to high. Marine ecosystem is also impacted. Especially the world largest coral reef; the Great Barrier Reef, is in danger. Human and managed systems like food production will be impacted and the range is considered medium.

According to the same article on page 23, there are 3 main regional key risks in Australia. The first one is change in community composition and structure of coral reef systems. In the long term, the risk and potential adaptation is considered very high. Ocean acidification, damaging cyclones and warming are factors for this. The second key risk is increased frequency and intensity of flood damage to infrastructure and settlements. The climatic driver is extreme precipitation. Risk and potential for adaptation is also considered very high in the long term, but not as high as the change in the coral reef. The third key risk is increased risks to coastal infrastructure and low-laying ecosystems, with widespread damage towards, the upper end of projected sea level rise rangers. The climatic drivers are damaging cyclones and sea level rise. Risk and potential for adaptation is considered medium to high in the long term. 

Climate Phenomena and their relevance for Future Regional Climate Change

Northern Australia is located in the tropics, which is affected by the Australia monsoon circulation. The southern part is located in the extratropical westerly circulation which is affected by the middle latitude storm track and other threats. Eastern Australia is affected by both El Nino (dry conditions) and La Nina (wet conditions). It is very likely that Australia will continue to warm due to the global warming, and that will increase or change dramatically the climate and weather conditions over Australia. There are records that changes have already occurred because of small change in temperature, like increase in precipitations due warmer temperature in some places and drier conditions in La Nina years. All of the weather conditions in the different parts of Australia mentioned above, can increase and that will have dramatically effect.

Summary from the future regional climate change in Australia, page 1273

Summarize of the executive summary
The trend of a warmer climate in Australia has already begun and is going to continue through the 21st century. Australia has already noticed warmer ocean- and surface temperatures, more hot extremes and fewer colder periods. Also change in rainfall patterns and increased greenhouse gases that already have cause warmer temperatures. The tropical cyclones are projected to increase in intensity in just a few years, and that will be dangerous. The change in annual rainfall will impact agriculture, rural livelihoods, ecosystems and urban water supplies. These threats have already occurred in a small level, but can increase rapidly in just a few years. Coral reefs in northern Australia have already noticed change due to global warming. Higher ocean surface temperatures have bleached huge amount of corals, and are continuing to do so. There are a lot of factors that depends on future vulnerability. Unfortunately, too few of them have got too little attention, and that has to change.

Most interesting threat
The economics in Australia rely on natural resources, agriculture, minerals, manufacturing and tourism. All of these factors are, and will be affected by climate change. Australia is known their agriculture, and it would be a disaster if this got affected. Also the tourism in country makes up a huge amount of the countries economics. A fast change in global warming can affect any of these factors without giving the inhabitants the opportunity to adopt themselves. In this case, this can have a dramatically effect on the economics in Australia. The economics of a country is important because it affects all the inhabitants, and this is why I think this threat was most interesting. I have always cared about my own economic, but also the economics of a country. That is why I care.

I have included one map of Australia showing how the anuual temperature have changed in the 21st century. The colors indicates temperatures, which is shown in the image below.

The grapht below shows how surface temperature have changed since 1900, and how it is predicted to change until 2100. 

Both of image and graph is taken from the article in the link below on page 1378 and 1379.


  1. Unlike Nepal, Australia will be mostly suffering in its coastlines and oceans. Nepal is landlocked in South Asia, so there are not many effects in that respect. However, there is a similar trait of more intense storms heading for our countries due to the increased warming of the ocean, and greater convergence areas, due to the climate change. In addition, both of our countries will see a change in annual rainfall affecting many aspects of the society.

  2. Australia and Costa Rica both can attribute rivers, floods, and droughts to their countries' climate change. Costa Rica is also dealing with an increasing climate. Since the waters surrounding Australia are warming, cyclones will become a more common problem in the future. Both of our countries will experience an increase in precipitation in the future as well. This can lead to more flooding which would cause multiple problems including over-watering crops.

  3. Greenland and Australia will both see impacts on their lakes and rivers. i was surprised not to see coastal erosion was not mentioned. It was alarming to learn that The Great Barrier reef ill also be at risk due to climate change.

  4. Hello Havard,
    I neglected to publish my comment when I first wrote it last Thursday but the gist of it was noting that both China and Australia being large countries that spanned similar lines of latitude albeit on opposite sides of the equator were also likely to experience some similar impacts attributed to climate change. Namely increased intensity of storms on our coastal cities. However, Australia with it's much smaller population which is just under 2% of China's has a better chance of adapting to these changes as well as adapting processes that will enhance your survivability.
